Paintings of Bamboo Flutes:A History and Genealogy of Shakuhachi Performance

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  • サイズ A5判/ページ数 146p/高さ 21cm
  • 商品コード 9784861632747
  • NDC分類 768.15
  • Cコード C1071




1 Antiquity(From the Murals of Dunhuang to the Shoso‐in;Depictions of the Shakuhachi in Tales and Setsuwa)
2 The Middle Ages(The Appearance of the Medieval Shakuhachi;Fukyo Shakuhachi Performers;Medieval Schools of Shakuhachi Performance;Tanteki Shakuhachi(Short Shakuhachi) ほか)
3 The Early Modern Period(The Beginnings of Fuke Shakuhachi;Two Shakuhachi:The Secular and the Sacred;The Three‐node Shakuhachi;Shakuhachi Paintings from the First Half of the Edo Period ほか)