An Anthropology of Ba


An Anthropology of Ba

  • ウェブストアに1冊在庫がございます。(2024年04月20日 07時33分現在)
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  • サイズ キク判/ページ数 194p/高さ 22cm
  • 商品コード 9784814003518
  • NDC分類 389
  • Cコード C3039


Do places influence human behavior?
In everyday thinking


Introduction:An Anthropology of Ba―Gaku Kajimaru,Caitlin Coker,and Kazuhiro Kazama
1 Co‐emergence of Ba and Actor(Butoh and the Cabaret:How the place of striptease fueled avant‐garde performance in Japan;Space for Competition and Place for Participation:Two Contrasting Sides of a Japanese Folk Song Contest;Ritual Performance and Agency of Ba:Hierarchy and Mood at Ceremonial Feasts in Pohnpei,Micronesia)
2 Performative Translocality(Performing Turkish Culture:The Inclusiveness of the Largest Y¨or¨uk Festival in Contemporary Turkey;Creating Oceania:Place and Ba of the Festival of Pacific Arts;Performers’ Two Bodies/Double Consciousness:Performers and Traditional Repertoire in Tibetan Refugee Society;Conflicts Create Ba and Agency:How E.A.B.I.C. Rastafarians Occupy the World;After Fieldwork:Vestiges in/from a Fieldworker)