Kyoto Area Studies on Asia<br> Conceptualizing the Malay World―Colonialism and Pan‐Malay Identity in Malaya


Kyoto Area Studies on Asia
Conceptualizing the Malay World―Colonialism and Pan‐Malay Identity in Malaya

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  • サイズ B5変判/ページ数 206p/高さ 23cm
  • 商品コード 9784814002757
  • NDC分類 223.9
  • Cコード C3322


Conceptualizing the Malay World explores the interrelations between the indigenization of "colonial knowledge" and the quest for pan-Malay identity in Malaya. In what way


1 Introduction
2 Malay Vernacular Education in British Malaya
3 Knowledge and Experience:The Case of the Sultan Idris Training College
4 The Malay World in Textbooks:The Transmission of Colonial Knowledge
5 Ibrahim Haji Yaacob and Pan‐Malayism:The Appropriation of Colonial Knowledge
6 Melayu Raya and Malaysia:Contested Pan‐Malayism
7 Conclusion